Hand ShakeConstruction


“We have an outstanding relationship
because the staff at AP value and care about the same things our customers and our employees value – dedication, responsiveness and exceptional quality.”

– General Manager, Moog Components Group

Advanced Precision is committed to fostering a strong local skilled labour force. We do this by partnering with local services, sector groups and government agencies. We are proud to be the employer for the 1st female youth apprentice in the machining field. We accomplished this by partnering with the Dept of Education and their O2 program. We foster diversity in the workplace by partnering with groups such as ISIS (formerly MISA), Advanced Precision offers work experience for new Canadians. Advanced Precision partnered with The Workbridge one of their mandates is to aid individuals with disabilities gain work experience that can lead to gainful employment.

We have a strong relationship with the Department of Labour and Workforce Development - Apprenticeship division as well as NSCC. We’ve worked with the Greater Halifax Partnership, supporting their efforts to bring employers and youth at risk together, creating a sustainable program to aid youth at risk gain meaningful employment.

The AP
• Superior Delivery
• Aerospace Quality
• Our Cost Advantage
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